Legal Help and Starting a New Business

4 Things a Workplace Discrimination Attorney Will Do to Get You Justice If Your Employer Mistreats You

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Workplace discrimination can take many forms. It can involve hiring and firing practices, demotions, or pay disparities. It could also be based on race, religion, or gender. If your employer has mistreated you, you should seek legal help. A workplace discrimination attorney understands the law and can help you get the justice you deserve. Here are four things they’ll do to get you justice. Investigating Your Claim Investigating a claim involves looking at the circumstances surrounding your mistreatment, talking to witnesses, and reviewing relevant documents. Read More»

What To Know About Employment Law

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Employment law is an area of litigation that involves labor relations. It’s a broad area of law that you might have to take part in when you have a grievance with your job for any number of reasons. When you have the help of an employment attorney, you’ll be better able to have the situation play out favorably, and you can protect your rights and any financial or employment interests that you have. Read More»

4 Common Questions About Sexual Harassment In The Workplace

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Sexual harassment is not something that anybody should have to tolerate, and there is legal recourse that you can take if it happens to you. Here is what you need to know about this type of violation of your rights. What Is Sexual Harassment? Sexual harassment is considered any sort of conduct in the workplace that is sexual in nature, which includes things that are done verbally, physically, and visually. The unwelcome actions must be pervasive or severe and result in a working environment that is abusive towards you. Read More»

What To Do If You Missed Your Court Hearing

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One of the worst feelings you might possibly experience is suddenly remembering that you had court yesterday but forgot to go. You should never miss a court hearing, especially if it is related to a criminal matter, so what do you do if this happens? If you end up missing a court hearing and are not sure what to do, here are some tips. Understand the implications If you think that missing a court hearing is no big deal, you should think again. Read More»

3 Times Getting Fired Can Be a Violation of the Law

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What do you do when your whole world has been turned upside down by two little words, “You’re fired.” Maybe you were expecting it – and maybe the news came as a shock. Either way, you have a sinking feeling that even though you weren’t fired for any legitimate reason, your abrupt termination will be a black mark on your resume that will be hard to overcome. Were you fired illegally? Read More»